[Announcement] Regarding Saito Soma’s marriage


An announcement regarding Saito Soma’s marriage¹

June 30, 2023

Thank you for always supporting Saito Soma, as well as all of our other affiliated actors.

We are pleased to announce that Saito Soma, one of our affiliated actors, has entered his spouse into his family register¹.

We will continue to concentrate on providing the same level of works and contents that you have enjoyed up to now, so we hope to continue to be in your care moving forward².

81 Produce Co., Ltd.³

A comment from Saito Soma

Hello everyone,

This is a personal matter, but I’d like to let you know that I, Saito Soma, have entered my spouse into my family register¹.

These past few years, the world and the circumstances we live in have been changing at a break-neck pace, and I myself have experienced so much things that have led to me to thinking about families and bonds⁴.

It’s during this time I got fortunate enough to meet the person who I want to walk through the rest of my life with⁵, so we’ve decided to take this new step forward together.

As both a person and an actor, I still have a lot more to learn. But I won’t forget my gratitude to everyone who supports me; I promise to devote myself to become someone who doesn’t just support the next generation, but can also walk hand-in-hand with them as well⁶.

I hope to continue to be in your care moving forward².

Saito Soma

Translation notes! Considering who wrote this, this is just a few really

¹Aside from the title I’ll be very literally translating this as “entered…into the family register” (this word is 入籍)
²The curse of how to translate 宜しくお願いいたします strikes again – I always wrote it into this, but this can just also be “thank you” in so many words?
³株式会社 often gets translated to Co., Ltd., but I forget if 81P uses this or KK
⁴Specifically 縁, a word commonly used to communicate connections and strong ties. He used this often in his old blog posts if I remember correctly.
⁵This is a very literal take of what essentially means “I want to spend the rest of my life with them” (人生を共に歩んでいきたい, lit. “I want to walk through life with them”) but considering he references to this with his next words (新たな1歩, what I translated as “new step forward”), I kept it in very literally, to match.
⁶Not just giving, but working hand in hand (いただくばかりでなく、次へとつないでゆける)

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